It's taken some time but I've settled on Blessings as my Word of the Year for 2024!
Yesterday I was moving all of the key dates from my 2023 calendar over to my 2024 calendar and I noticed all the lovely words on each month in 2023. I loved them through the year but they popped as further ways to understand the myriad blessings we receive! I took that as further affirmation that this is the right word for me this year.
I'm excited about the year and working through the details for my YouTube channel. I enjoyed the daily Advent videos and sharing them with you. There's much to come over there in 2024 so please pop on over there and subscribe so you'll be set when I start.
Right now, I want to provide everyone with some space to enjoy all of the New Year kick-off activities and challenges that are going on - so many to choose from and I know we can't do them all
Peace be with you!